Trying to find ways to cope with being stuck at home as we pass the one-year mark of the pandemic? Look no further than the Norwegian tradition of lille lørdag.

Lille lørdag, or Little Saturday, is a tradition where Wednesdays are treated as mini-weekends. Historically this was a day of the week for friends to meet up and have a small celebration of sorts. While lille lørdag can be any day of the week, it most often happens on Wednesdays, when people need to decompress from a stressful work week and to lift their spirits as they look ahead to the rest of the week.

But now, during the pandemic, when the days seem to blur together, borrowing from this tradition allows for some purpose in your week.

Constanze Leineweber, associate professor at the Stress Research Institute of Stockholm University, says the perception of having a Little Saturday midweek can make the week more tolerable. “Something like Little Saturdays can be quite wise in helping people to create structure and fulfillment even when they’re feeling lost,” she adds. “You can become motivated with smaller goals within the week which you can reach and get a reward for… and not totally lose the context and structure that we need.”

So, how can you celebrate lille lørdag at home? Use the time to focus on relaxation and enjoyment. Try not to think about household chores, or things that need to get done. Schedule a weekly video call with friends and family. Prepare your favorite Nordic foods, like smørbrød or vafler (Norwegian heart waffles), or order food in from your favorite restaurant. Dress up like you are going out with friends. Have an at-home dance party. Use lille lørdag to enjoy the little things in life!