This article first appeared in Viking Magazine’s August 2019 issue.

I enjoy talking to prospective members about the many benefits of belonging to Sons of Norway. We have so much to offer, including gathering with others to celebrate Norwegian heritage and culture, participating in the cultural skills and sports medal programs, enjoying Viking magazine and opportunities to make our communities better through volunteer service. We also offer opportunities for our youth through our scholarship program and heritage camping experiences. And, let’s not forget our outstanding financial products. I usually get quite carried away. However, many times I would stumble when asked about the cost to join because each lodge had a different dues rate.

Through the years, the complexity of our dues structure has hindered recruiting. In a way, it made us appear unorganized. This was partially remedied when United States lodges adopted a simplified dues structure, beginning Jan. 1, 2018, as directed by the delegates at the 2016 International Lodge meeting. Lodges in Norway and Canada are scheduled to follow suit this coming Jan. 1, 2020.

Why is this important? A simplified dues structure sends the message that we are a cohesive organization—we have our act together. While our lodges do have the flexibility to offer programming to meet the varied interests of their member, we are not a haphazard collection of local clubs. We all adhere to the same mission statement and we are committed to continued existence of Sons of Norway.

Do you have questions about the simplified dues structure in Canada and Norway? If so, check out the answers to frequently asked questions on this topic. If you still have questions, let me know by emailing [email protected].

Please join me in embracing this change for the betterment of Sons of Norway.