Exclusively for members, our newest publication is Christmas Traditions of Norway. This interactive, 16-page PDF includes Christmas customs, fun activities, and recipes with embedded links and video content. That means it is too large to email the entire document, and it may take some time to download, depending on your internet service. We hope members enjoy it!

How you can use Christmas Traditions of Norway to engage current members and attract new members:

  • Let members know they can log in to the website to view it. For members with a valid email address, a message with a link to Christmas Traditions online was sent on December 4.
  • You are welcome to share the cover image in your lodge newsletter. However, the licensed photos included in the PDF should not be “borrowed” for use in other documents, and you cannot reprint the interior pages of the PDF as standalone documents.
  • Consider sparking ideas for future lodge activities or programs:
    • Get a group of kids together to make woven heart baskets or straw ornaments.
    • Have an online class to make one or more of the featured recipes.
    • Ask members to participate in answering a related question such as “What special Norwegian Christmas traditions did your family celebrate?” or “What is your favorite Norwegian Christmas cookie or food?” Answers could be featured in your lodge newsletter, on Social Media or at a lodge meeting.
    • While this document may be most appealing to our members in North America, all of our members may find it sparks conversation—for instance about the differences between modern celebrations in Norway and the traditional Norwegian holiday customs and foods that are familiar to North Americans.
  • Lodges can use this piece to promote Sons of Norway membership. One of the most common interests among members, especially new members, is learning about the Christmas traditions of Norway. While not intended as a giveaway to nonmembers, let prospective members know about it and explain how to access it after they join.