
Norwegian New Potato Salad

Potato salad is hugely popular in Norway, particularly in midsummer when new potatoes are in season. Why not try this light, delicious Norwegian recipe at your next barbecue?

By |July 10th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Norwegian New Potato Salad

Travel Favorites

Have you been dreaming of a trip to Scandinavia more so than ever? In the July 2022 issue of Viking, we’re celebrating travel once again. In addition to rounding up some of the coolest one-of-a-kind stays across the country and an insider’s guide to Iceland, this issue dives into practical information for traveling in this new era.

By |July 6th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Travel Favorites

Celebrating Midsummer in the Nordic Countries

Midsummer is known as the time in the middle of the summer, often celebrated on or close to the summer solstice – the longest day of the year. Traditionally, Midsummer is on June 24th and is quite popular in the Nordic nations.

By |June 15th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Celebrating Midsummer in the Nordic Countries

Norway, The Long Way

A through-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Riding the Great Divide. Among the ranks of these epic treks is Norge På Langs, or “Norway lengthwise.”

By |June 15th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Norway, The Long Way

American Party Time

Every summer, a small village just west of the southern tip of Norway explodes into “Four Days of Happiness,” a celebration featuring camping, concerts, parades, and exotic foods, which culminates with a citywide street dance. Get out your Uncle Sam hat, your classic Ford Mustang, and your love of Elvis and rock out at the American Festival in Lista, Norway, running June 23 -June 26, 2022!

By |June 14th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on American Party Time

Midnight Sun Adventures in Bodø

Nestled between the mountains and ocean, Bodø is a small town in Northern Norway that boasts some of the country’s most beautiful scenery. Now, all eyes are on the town in a new way, as it was recently named a European Capital of Culture for 2024. It’s the first time this recognition has been given to a city north of the Arctic Circle. Check out the June 2022 issue of Viking to learn about how Bodø is preparing for a full year of culture and arts celebrations.

By |June 9th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Midnight Sun Adventures in Bodø

Magnificent Monuments

The cover of the May issue of Viking magazine features a stunning image of one of Norway’s most awe-inspiring monuments—Sverd i fjell (Swords in Rock). Read our story to find out the meaning behind these giant bronze swords. Here, we rounded up some of Norway’s most magnificent monuments to add to your bucket list.

By |May 26th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Magnificent Monuments

The Norwegian Bunad and Syttende Mai

Syttende Mai, Norway’s national day, is of course a day to commemorate the signing of Norway’s constitution, however it is also a day to celebrate heritage, through a traditional folk costume known as the Norwegian bunad.

By |May 18th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on The Norwegian Bunad and Syttende Mai

A Farewell to Fritz

Photo Credit: Emily Dunker, via An American reporter asked King Haakon VII a very delicate question: Who is the most famous immigrant from Norway living in America? King Haakon replied, “The best Norwegian is a good American.” At a memorial service in Minnesota, those words about being a good American came home to describe Walter F. Mondale, who died a year ago at the age of 93.

By |May 17th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on A Farewell to Fritz
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